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C#コード断片/1.1/メモリからWAVを再生 の変更点

Top > C#コード断片 > 1.1 > メモリからWAVを再生



private static extern int PlaySound(byte[] pszSound, int hmod, int flags);
private static int	SND_SYNC            = 0x0000;/* play synchronously (default) */
private static int	SND_ASYNC           = 0x0001;/* play asynchronously */
private static int	SND_NODEFAULT       = 0x0002;/* silence (!default) if sound not found */
private static int	SND_MEMORY          = 0x0004;/* pszSound points to a memory file */
private static int	SND_LOOP            = 0x0008;/* loop the sound until next sndPlaySound */
private static int	SND_NOSTOP          = 0x0010;/* don't stop any currently playing sound */
private static int	SND_NOWAIT			= 0x2000;/* don't wait if the driver is busy */
private static int	SND_ALIAS	        = 0x10000;/* name is a registry alias */
private static int	SND_ALIAS_ID		= 0x110000;/* alias is a pre d ID */
private static int	SND_FILENAME		= 0x20000;/* name is file name */
private static int	SND_RESOURCE		= 0x40004;/* name is resource name or atom */
private static int	SND_PURGE           = 0x0040;/* purge non-static events for task */
private static int	SND_APPLICATION     = 0x0080;/* look for application specific association */

-これは.NET2.0ではMedia名前空間の機能でサポートされている筈。後で調べてみる。 -- 浮子屋 &new{2006-02-21 22:35:26 (火)};
